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Description/ Specification of Desiccators
1351 Clear glass Desiccator with porcelain plate Product Description It is a non-vacuum desiccator, and therefore has no stopcock. The sturdy glass top fits easily on the thick lip of the desiccator, and features a knob handle for removing or replacing the lid. The lips of both the lid and the desiccator itself are ground glass, and should be greased with petroleum jelly before use. In addition to helping create an air-tight seal, the grease also helps cushion the lid when it is set down in place. To help prevent damage from being set down too forcefully, the lid can be carefully slid on, or off, of the desiccator once greased. Desiccators can be used, though not exclusively, for preserving moisture-sensitive items, protecting hygroscopic or water-reacting chemicals, as well as removing traces of water from samples that need drying. There are 8 sizes available : 120 mm desiccator, 150 mm desiccator, 180 mm desiccator, 210 mm desiccator, 240 mm desiccator, 300 mm desiccator, 350 mm desiccator, 400 mm desiccator.
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